建築模型 代工製作




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3D列印 + CNC + LASER + UV = 最新專利技術的巧妙結合





來必富 | 建築模型 專業製作團隊

洽詢專線  0976-677-255


●  建築物平面與立面CAD圖檔
●  3D彩現圖片(3D渲染圖片)
●  3D彩現圖(例如SketchUp繪製的3D模擬圖)


建築模型  專業製作

傢配模型  專業製作



3D  列  印  製  作

The people who occupy a space are a core facet of residential architecture. In addition to satisfying their behavior, the design is essential to the crux of life, which can inject soul into a structure.The people who occupy a space are a core facet of residential architecture. In addition to satisfying their behavior, the design is essential to the crux of life, which can inject soul into a structure.The people who occupy a space are a core facet of residential architecture. In addition to satisfying their behavior, the design is essential to the crux of life, which can inject soul into a structure.The people who occupy a space are a core facet of residential architecture.

The people who occupy a space are a core facet of residential architecture. In addition to satisfying their behavior, the design is essential to the crux of life, which can inject soul into a structure.The people who occupy a space are a core facet of residential architecture. In addition to satisfying their behavior, the design is essential to the crux of life, which can inject soul into a structure.The people who occupy a space are a core facet of residential architecture. In addition to satisfying their behavior, the design is essential to the crux of life, which can inject soul into a structure.The people who occupy a space are a core facet of residential architecture.