金屬3D列印代客製作 2,000元起做

金屬3D列印代客製作 首選
採用 3D-Systems 千萬高階工業機種製作

可選擇的材料 | 材料簡介 | 物性表連結 | |
不銹鋼 316L | 高耐腐蝕性和可消毒性適用,適合製藥行業、食品機械、化學工業、加工工業、醫療工具 | 材料物性請按此 | |
不銹鋼 17-4PH | 一般金屬加工應用皆適宜,航太、化學用具、石化用具、外科器械(可消毒) | 材料物性請按此 | |
鋁合金 AlSi10Mg | 具有良好機械性能和良好導熱性,適用於航太和汽車的輕質部件、模具設計、熱交換器等 | 材料物性請按此 | |
鋁合金AlSi7Mg0.6 | 具有良好機械性能和良好導熱性和導電性的鋁合金,適用於航太和汽車的輕質部件、模具設計、熱交換器等 | 材料物性請按此 | |
鋁合金AlSi12 | 適合輕量部件,有良好的熱學屬性且有較高強度重量比。適合工業級原型、生產部件和機器備用件。 | 材料物性請按此 | |
馬式體時效鋼 | 純工具鋼(1.2709)機械特性為密度大、韌性高。適用於金屬模具、注塑成型、壓鑄和拉伸的工模具、高耐磨性組件、強力螺栓、強力彈簧等,以及要求高強度和硬度的部件。具有良好的可焊性和可加工性。 | 材料物性請按此 | |
鎳高溫合金 Ni625 | 鎳超級合金適用於卓越的耐腐蝕性以及高強度、耐熱性相結合的相關產品 | 材料物性請按此 | |
鎳高溫合金 Ni718 | 抗氧化且耐腐蝕的鉻鎳鐵合金,適用於受高溫高壓的極端環境。極其適合鋁和鋼發生蠕變的高溫環境。耐高溫應用包括:液態燃料火箭的組件、飛機和陸基燃氣渦輪引擎的環、外殼、成型鈑金部件、低溫貯罐、緊固件和儀表部件。 | 材料物性請按此 | |
鈷鉻合金CoCrF75 | 適用於具有高耐腐蝕性和耐磨性,同時需要耐高溫性的工業部件,如醫療工具與器械、模具和沖壓模具、高磨損工業應用、在高溫下需要高強度的部件、牙科植入體 | 材料物性請按此 | |
鈷鉻合金CoCr | 適合具有薄壁或精細細節的部件,要求耐磨性及耐腐蝕性的機械組件,如渦輪和引擎組件、鐘錶產品 | 材料物性請按此 | |
鈦合金 Gr5 (A) | 重量輕、強度高的組件,適合機構件、航天、醫療植入體、醫療工具與器械、義齒 | 材料物性請按此 | |
鈦合金 Gr23 (A) | 重量輕、強度高的組件,適合機構件、航天、醫療植入體、醫療工具與器械、義齒 | 材料物性請按此 | |
鈦合金 Gr1 (A) | 重量輕、耐高溫耐腐蝕、高延展,適合醫療應用和植入體、航天部件、賽車組件、海洋用品、優質體育用品 | 材料物性請按此 |
SLS 3D列印 雷射激光粉末燒結技術簡介
SLS (Selective Laser Sintering,粉末材料選擇性雷射燒結)
SLS 3D列印代工 可使用材料有:高分子、金屬、陶瓷、石膏、尼龍等多種粉末材料。
The people who occupy a space are a core facet of residential architecture. In addition to satisfying their behavior, the design is essential to the crux of life, which can inject soul into a structure.The people who occupy a space are a core facet of residential architecture. In addition to satisfying their behavior, the design is essential to the crux of life, which can inject soul into a structure.The people who occupy a space are a core facet of residential architecture. In addition to satisfying their behavior, the design is essential to the crux of life, which can inject soul into a structure.The people who occupy a space are a core facet of residential architecture.
The people who occupy a space are a core facet of residential architecture. In addition to satisfying their behavior, the design is essential to the crux of life, which can inject soul into a structure.The people who occupy a space are a core facet of residential architecture. In addition to satisfying their behavior, the design is essential to the crux of life, which can inject soul into a structure.The people who occupy a space are a core facet of residential architecture. In addition to satisfying their behavior, the design is essential to the crux of life, which can inject soul into a structure.The people who occupy a space are a core facet of residential architecture.