尼龍3D列印代客製作 2000元起做

尼龍3D列印代客製作 首選
採用 HP Jet Fusion 3D 4210 千萬高階工業機種製作

HP原廠黑色高性能尼龍 | 白色尼龍 | 灰色尼龍玻璃纖維 | |
熱變形溫度 | 120℃ | 120℃ | 120℃ |
材料優點 | 適合精美細節表現,理想的機械性能 | 耐高溫、硬度高、韌性好 | 耐高溫、硬度高、韌性好、絕緣性好、抗腐蝕性好 |
表面質感 | 比白色尼龍細緻 | 表面稍微有顆粒感 | 表面稍微有顆粒感 |
顏色 | 白色 | 彎曲强度 | 46.3 MPa |
熔點 | 160℃ | 彎曲模量 | 1300 MPa |
密度 | 0.48 g/cm3 | 熱變形温度 | 120℃ |
制件密度 | 0.95 g/cm3 | 斷裂伸長率 | 36% |
拉伸强度 | 46 MPa | 缺口衝擊强度 | 4.9KJ/m2 |
拉伸模量 | 1602 MPa | 無缺口衝擊强度 | 13.2 KJ/m2 |
尼龍複合玻璃微珠 FS 3400GF
顏色 | 灰色 | 彎曲强度 | 68 MPa |
熔點 | 160℃ | 彎曲模量 | 2415 MPa |
密度 | 0.67 g/cm3 | 熱變形温度 | 120℃ |
制件密度 | 1.26 g/cm3 | 斷裂伸長率 | 5% |
拉伸强度 | 44 MPa | 缺口衝擊强度 | 4.13 KJ/m2 |
拉伸模量 | 3500 MPa | 無缺口衝擊强度 | 19.28 KJ/m2 |
SLS 3D列印 雷射激光粉末燒結技術簡介
SLS (Selective Laser Sintering,粉末材料選擇性雷射燒結)
SLS 3D列印代工 可使用材料有:高分子、金屬、陶瓷、石膏、尼龍等多種粉末材料。
The people who occupy a space are a core facet of residential architecture. In addition to satisfying their behavior, the design is essential to the crux of life, which can inject soul into a structure.The people who occupy a space are a core facet of residential architecture. In addition to satisfying their behavior, the design is essential to the crux of life, which can inject soul into a structure.The people who occupy a space are a core facet of residential architecture. In addition to satisfying their behavior, the design is essential to the crux of life, which can inject soul into a structure.The people who occupy a space are a core facet of residential architecture.
The people who occupy a space are a core facet of residential architecture. In addition to satisfying their behavior, the design is essential to the crux of life, which can inject soul into a structure.The people who occupy a space are a core facet of residential architecture. In addition to satisfying their behavior, the design is essential to the crux of life, which can inject soul into a structure.The people who occupy a space are a core facet of residential architecture. In addition to satisfying their behavior, the design is essential to the crux of life, which can inject soul into a structure.The people who occupy a space are a core facet of residential architecture.
The people who occupy a space are a core facet of residential architecture. In addition to satisfying their behavior, the design is essential to the crux of life, which can inject soul into a structure.The people who occupy