光固化3D列印 代工服務 2000元起

採用德國 EnvisionTEC 高階光固化SLA機種,


本公司採用『類 ABS 高韌性材料』作為固化材料,顏色為白色,材料模擬 ABS 特性,
耐溫最高約 50 度左右,精度0.05mm。

類 ABS 物性表
顏色 | 白色 | 拉伸強度 | 45(Mpa) |
密度 | 1.15 | 壓縮強度 | 85(Mpa) |
比重 | 1.15±0.1(25°C) | 彎曲強度 | 67(Mpa) |
黏度 | 480cps(25°C) | 衝擊韌性 | 18(kj/㎡) |
DP | 0.15(mm) | 邵氏硬度 | 80 |
EC | 9.5(mj/c㎡) | 熱變形溫度 | 約50°C |
吸水率 | <1%(24小時/25°C) | 斷裂伸長率 | 10(%) |
列印公差 | ±2% | 玻璃化轉變溫度 | 70(°C) |
顏色 | 偏淺綠色 | 拉伸強度 | 60(Mpa) |
密度 | 1.15 | 壓縮強度 | 85(Mpa) |
比重 | 1.15±0.1(25°C) | 彎曲強度 | 74(Mpa) |
黏度 | 480cps(25°C) | 衝擊韌性 | 18(kj/㎡) |
DP | 0.15(mm) | 邵氏硬度 | 80 |
EC | 9.5(mj/c㎡) | 熱變形溫度 | 約45°C |
吸水率 | <1%(24小時/25°C) | 斷裂伸長率 | 10(%) |
列印公差 | ±2% | 玻璃化轉變溫度 | 80(°C) |
顏色 | 偏淺黃色 | 拉伸強度 | 48(Mpa) |
密度 | 1.15 | 壓縮強度 | 85(Mpa) |
比重 | 1.15±0.1(25°C) | 彎曲強度 | 68(Mpa) |
黏度 | 480cps(25°C) | 衝擊韌性 | 18(kj/㎡) |
DP | 0.15(mm) | 邵氏硬度 | 80 |
EC | 9.5(mj/c㎡) | 熱變形溫度 | 約70°C |
吸水率 | <1%(24小時/25°C) | 斷裂伸長率 | 10(%) |
列印公差 | ±2% | 玻璃化轉變溫度 | 80(°C) |
顏色 | 偏淺灰色 | 拉伸強度 | 44(Mpa) |
密度 | 1.15 | 壓縮強度 | 85(Mpa) |
比重 | 1.15±0.1(25°C) | 彎曲強度 | 68(Mpa) |
黏度 | 480cps(25°C) | 衝擊韌性 | 18(kj/㎡) |
DP | 0.15(mm) | 邵氏硬度 | 80 |
EC | 9.5(mj/c㎡) | 熱變形溫度 | 約100°C |
吸水率 | <1%(24小時/25°C) | 斷裂伸長率 | 10(%) |
列印公差 | ±2% | 玻璃化轉變溫度 | 80(°C) |
SLA 光固化3D列印 技術簡介
SLA (Stereo Lithography Apparatus,光敏樹脂選擇性固化)
SLA 3d列印代工 可使用材料有:類ABS、光敏樹脂等。
The people who occupy a space are a core facet of residential architecture. In addition to satisfying their behavior, the design is essential to the crux of life, which can inject soul into a structure.The people who occupy a space are a core facet of residential architecture. In addition to satisfying their behavior, the design is essential to the crux of life, which can inject soul into a structure.The people who occupy a space are a core facet of residential architecture. In addition to satisfying their behavior, the design is essential to the crux of life, which can inject soul into a structure.The people who occupy a space are a core facet of residential architecture.
The people who occupy a space are a core facet of residential architecture. In addition to satisfying their behavior, the design is essential to the crux of life, which can inject soul into a structure.The people who occupy a space are a core facet of residential architecture. In addition to satisfying their behavior, the design is essential to the crux of life, which can inject soul into a structure.The people who occupy a space are a core facet of residential architecture. In addition to satisfying their behavior, the design is essential to the crux of life, which can inject soul into a structure.The people who occupy a space are a core facet of residential architecture.