透明3D列印 代工服務 費用2000元起

透明3D列印 首選
採用千萬 EOS 高階機種製作

透明材質 使用 SLA 光固化技術製作
SLA (Stereo Lithography Apparatus,光敏樹脂選擇性固化)
SLA 3D列印代工 可使用材料有:透明類PP材質、類ABS、光敏樹脂等。
The people who occupy a space are a core facet of residential architecture. In addition to satisfying their behavior, the design is essential to the crux of life, which can inject soul into a structure.The people who occupy a space are a core facet of residential architecture. In addition to satisfying their behavior, the design is essential to the crux of life, which can inject soul into a structure.The people who occupy a space are a core facet of residential architecture. In addition to satisfying their behavior, the design is essential to the crux of life, which can inject soul into a structure.The people who occupy a space are a core facet of residential architecture.
The people who occupy a space are a core facet of residential architecture. In addition to satisfying their behavior, the design is essential to the crux of life, which can inject soul into a structure.The people who occupy a space are a core facet of residential architecture. In addition to satisfying their behavior, the design is essential to the crux of life, which can inject soul into a structure.The people who occupy a space are a core facet of residential architecture. In addition to satisfying their behavior, the design is essential to the crux of life, which can inject soul into a structure.The people who occupy a space are a core facet of residential architecture.
The people who occupy a space are a core facet of residential architecture. In addition to satisfying their behavior, the design is essential to the crux of life, which can inject soul into a structure.The people who occupy